Find Out If You Need Our Counselor
Seeking treatment for an addiction is a difficult, yet extremely important decision. Before you visit ExtraCare Counseling Centers, consider your answers to the following questions. How you answer these questions will better help us evaluate your need for a counselor in Matawan, NJ.
How We Evaluate Your Situation:
Do you or your loved one have a problematic history of alcohol or drug use?
Is money being stolen?
Are there legal problems?
Not able to perform sexually?
Preoccupied with the thought of alcohol or other drugs?
Is there a denial of drug or alcohol problems even when evidence is substantial to support abuse and the need for counseling?
Are you or your loved one absent from home for days?
Is depression exhibited after alcohol or drug use?
Is there violence after alcohol or drug use, and blame being put on something else causing the anger?
Are there statements such as “You just want to control me?”
Is alcohol or drug abuse making your life unmanageable or causing problems within the family? (Problems may be financial, career, mental, or physical)
Are there poor grades and school problems after your child has been identified as having abused substances?
How to Choose the Right Counseling Program Evaluation:
Does your child or loved one need a male or female counselor?
Will your child do better in group, individual, or family counseling, or a combination of all?
Is your child or loved one more structured or options-oriented in their thinking and personality?
Does your child or loved one need medication in conjunction with counseling?
Should you be made aware of the results of your loved one’s urine test results to see if there is progress?
What determines if your loved one needs inpatient versus outpatient counseling?
How does your child or loved one process information best? Are they more visual, auditory, or kinesthetic oriented?